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Pre - Incubation

Pre-incubation process is designed for all the ideapreneurs, students, and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to further explore and challenge their potential to better solve the problems faced by the communities.


Time duration

3 - 4 months


Registration Fee


Mode of conduct

Virtual mode

On-site mode

Who can apply?

  • Students, working professionals, or budding entrepreneurs

  • Ideapreneurs

  • Ideation stage start-ups

  • Startups with POC


What we offer

  • Mentor Engagement

  • Handholding from ideation to prototype

  • Intensive training and toolkit

  • Access to labs

  • Industrial expertise

  • Incubation support

  • Masterclasses on

    • Start-up ecosystem

    • IPR

    • Understanding the potential of an idea and the market.

    • Understanding market research/defining your target customers

    • Design thinking – ideation to prototype

    • Business model generation

    • Finance for entrepreneurs

    • Networking and building your strategies

    • Resources management

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